About Bogus Love

Home / About Bogus Love

Bogus Love Awareness - Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths Awareness

I was a narcissistic abuse victim. I was dealing with a bogus kind of love, But Not Anymore.

With the writing of this blog, I would like to share with you my personal experience and my lessons from being ensnared by a narcissist, whom I was married to. I was going through the required passage of escaping from a narcissistic spouse, which was an extremely difficult and emotionally drained divorce. I really don’t wish this on anyone, even my worst enemies. No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be abused by such selfish and ruthless individuals.

You can read the details of my story here.

My Mission

Knowledge is power, and power exercised with love is unstoppable.

Using this blog, I would like to raise awareness of narcissists and their discreet but highly toxic behaviors. Narcissists have the ability to destroy others’ lives emotionally, financially, or sometimes physically with absolutely no remorse.

My goal is to provide information about how these toxic people infiltrate our lives, what to look for, and last but not least, I would like to give you some hope if you happen to be entangled with one of them in your life.

This blog is dedicated to the sweet, kind-hearted but nonetheless strong-willed empaths out there whom I believe can withstand anything throwing at them. Even if you’re not an empath, you might find some info here that are useful. I hope that by sharing my knowledge and my journey, I can help you be empowered in your own situation, or be able to help others who need assistance escaping from these disordered individuals. Nevertheless, I highly recommend utilizing professional counseling services if you are able to. My counselor has pulled me through the darkest time of my life thus far.


I don’t diagnose or provide any medical or mental health services through this blog. I also don’t claim to be a counselor or provide any counseling services. My education has been extensive in my field, but for this subject, I mostly get my knowledge from the School of Hard Knocks and hours upon hours on books, ebooks, audiobooks, blogs and Support Groups.

Truth Seeker

November 2018