Narcissists love to control and stay in control of other people. They can't accept that someone does not want to be with them or reject them. To divorce a narcissist in spite of the narcissist's unwillingness to do so, the partner of the narcissist has to face with a myriad of obstacles that are put forth by the narcissist to maintain control of the situation.
Category: How-to
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: Acceptance the Nature of Narcissism
To heal from narcissistic abuse, we must accept what narcissism is, accept that the person caused the abuse is a narcissist, and accept that that person will never change.
Besides No Contact, Acceptance is the Next Step for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
During my journey, sometimes I made progress while other times I took a step backward in my recovery. How I felt about things could be quite unpredictable, especially in the beginning. The recovery process is not a linear path, it's rather a composite of many emotional peaks and valleys.