Love Bombing – the Red Flags that I Missed

Love Bombing – the Red Flags that I  Missed

Love bombing, or idealization stage, is a distinct phase of the relationship with a narcissist. I had a feeling that I went to fast with the narcissist that I dealt with (the N), but I went ahead with it anyway. These are the prime examples of love bombing; he actually said and did these things to me.

“You’re the perfect one for me. I’ve been looking for you a long time.” — excessively during dating

“I’m pretty sure you’re the one. Together we’re a power couple.” — very early on in the relationship and many times later when he wants something done or a certain kind of gifts for him.

“I love you” — him leaving notes on lunch bags, cards, everywhere a few months into the relationship.

“I miss seeing you”, “when can I see you again?” — constant texting and asking for time together during the beginning of the relationship.

“I feel like I’ve known you for a long time” — early on in the relationship

“Don’t go to work. Stay here with me. Don’t leave.”

“I’ll build a shed for you” — him showing up at my parents’ house where I was living unannounced.

“Let’s go to Costa Rica together” — asking me to go on a trip two months into dating.

“You like camping huh? Let’s go camping” — mirroring of my interests and hobbies during the early phase of dating, after that, excuses are given after excuses to not do any of those.

“I see a future with you” — him implying taking the relationship to the next level very early on.

“I want to spend time with you. Don’t spend time with your friend instead of me” — him trying to isolate me from my friends

“Tell me about what happened to you” — him having an extreme interests in my past just to use it against me later.